Monday, February 28, 2011


Last weekend we got a lot of snow. TJ and I took advantage of Dad and made him drive us around so that we could get some pictures. We had tons of fun and I realized I need snow boots. So I have been obsessed with snow boots this week. Unfortunately- like everything in life the ones I really like are way more than I want to spend and the ones that were passable and cheap at the surplus store were out of my size. So I am still boot hunting- maybe next year I will have made up my mind. These are the ones I would get if I wasn't thinking about the budget- so I will probably get something a little more sensible. There are some cute sensible choices as well. I just have to decide.

So here are some of the fruits of my labors from our little outing. It was just great being out in the snow

with Dad and Anna and TJ.

We were hoping to get some pictures of the victorians in the snow- but it was a little too melted when we

went out. We should have waited a week.










1 comment:

Megan Bruschke said...

Polly, your snow pictures are SENSATIONAL! I have always been impressed with your photography, but these really showcase your talent and gift! LOVED them! It made me homesick for the Sierras!