Wednesday, September 14, 2011

We have had a week-

Me to Beckett: Honey come here.
Beckett: You no call me that. I big boy.
Me: Call you what? Honey?
Beckett: I no Honey.
Me: I call Daddy Honey.
Beckett" Me no your husband. Me your big boy.

Coen: Jackson has never been kissed.
Me: You have?
Coen: Yes five times. By Alec's girlfriend.
Me: What is her name?
Coen: I don't know. She kissed me on the lips and the cheek.
Me: I think I will have to talk to your teacher.
Coen: Please don't Mom. I liked it and I don't want it to stop.

Beckett continues in his Star Wars obsession. Yesterday he sat on Alma's lap for an hour looking at Star Wars stuff on Ebay - and asked me to help him look again today (I didn't). And this morning he told me "Someday I will have all the ships!!!!!!!!!!" I put that many exclamation points because that is how happy this idea made him. His entire body was glowing.

Coen is loving Kindergarten and I am loving the time with Beckett. He is the easiest kid when he is alone. Happy to play all day by himself- and he finds me several times a morning just to give me a hug and tell me he loves me. He did say this morning - I tired of alone with me.

Beckett goes to Pre school two mornings a week so that he can play and I can help in Coen's class. I love being in his class. The first day he just kept coming up and hugging me super tight (actually he does this all the time) and I asked him after school what was wrong. His reply: I just miss my home and Mom so much when I am at school.

I know I am missing some cute things- They have been on a roll lately- but that is all I can think of this evening.

1 comment:

Megan Bruschke said...

laughed out loud! loved it!