Friday, January 16, 2009


Insanity is staying up until 1:30 am so you can finish a sweater for your little sister's best freind's doll. Total insanity- even crazier to stay up a little longer so the doll can have matching leg warmers. Now I go off to bed to lay down my crazy little head. Gee- I sure love Anna and Joan. Happy Birthday Joan. Maybe if I am not too busy in the morning trying to get to music class and work I will take a picture of the little tiny sweater.


Becky said...

alma can kiss my big fat patootie because I am SOOOOO elinor. She's the one who takes it for the team, keeps pushing everyone ahead, the middle man, the get things done person...oh yeah...I'm so elinor...and harvene...think about it...I keep things fastidiously clean, don't like shoes or other people's children on my carpet (your children do not count) and I love my family with everything in me and will do anything for them. So tell alma to go suck an egg or something. lots of love

Darren, Tisha, Tanner & Tennyson said...

yes-- but it was the cutest little lavendar sweater/leg warmer set that I have ever seen!

Polly said...

Uhm- have you ever seen any other tine lavender sweater /leg warmer sets?