Today in Sacrament we sang this hymn in closing- I am familiar with the hymn, but today for some reason it really spoke to me. Maybe it was Nancy's talk about the power of love and friendship or just today I am especially aware of how many people bless my life. Here are the lyrics, or you can go
here to listen to it.
Each life that touches ours for good
Reflects thine own great mercy, Lord;
Thou sendest blessings from above
Thru words and deeds of those who love.
What greater gift dost thou bestow,
What greater goodness can we know
Than Christlike friends, whose gentle ways
Strengthen our faith, enrich our days.
When such a friend from us departs,
We hold forever in our hearts
A sweet and hallowed memory,
Bringing us nearer, Lord, to thee.
For worthy friends whose lives proclaim
Devotion to the Savior’s name,
Who bless our days with peace and love,
We praise thy goodness, Lord, above.
Text: Karen Lynn Davidson, b. 1943. © 1985 IRI
Music: A. Laurence Lyon, b. 1934. © 1985 IRI
So I just kept thinking about the amazing people in my life who bring me peace, love, encouragement, and laughter. Is it funny- but most of those people are women. I wondered how often I let them know how grateful I am for their presence in my life. So I set myself a challenge, reach out- thank some of these women in my life. It only takes a few minutes to write a little note- this week I will take advantage of those few minutes.
I also thought of the strangers who small deeds, and smiles make your life easier. Just the little hellos in the grocery store or the kind lady who recently gave me her spot in line at the fabric store as I stood there- tenth in line, two screaming kids, and a cart full of fabric. At the time I felt like she deserved the congressional medal of honor. So this week I will be looking for the opportunity to help a stranger. We will see how this goes. I will keep my eyes open and hope I am guided to someone who would benefit from a small kindness.
I hope if you have some of the same grateful feelings you too will act on them and find some small act of kindness to preform.
As a small post script- I was maybe able to feel the spirit in part because I was sitting by myself and not trying to entertain two little guys and trying to keep them quite at the same time. Amazing what you hear when you have time to listen.