Thursday, July 15, 2010

Our French Farmhouse


This was a working farm- so the boys of course got to spend many many minutes watching tractors. This is pretty much all you need to ensure a successful vacation for Coen.

All day we would tour these amazing chateau- but this was what made the vacation for me. I was very happy just wondering around the farm with the boys after dinner.

These are the sights that feed a country girls soul.

Most nights we would take a walk to watch one of these:

A little cowboy would join us for the walk- but then he would demand someone carry his rifle and then he would demand that someone carry the cowboy.

We loved the cows- and as usual for goats these two were crazy. They would race coen up and down the length of the fence.

Oh did I mention there were bike rides too?
Heaven on Earth.


Andrea said...

That does, indeed, look like heaven on earth.

My hormones are wacked. I'm the grumpiest, mean mom and I can't stop myself from overreacting about everything.

I called my bro, the Doc, and he told me to get my blood tested already and find out what's going on--in case. In case of another molar pregnancy. Another mole = uterine cancer.

I had my blood tested yesterday and I will again tomorrow.

I don't want twins. In fact, right now, I don't want anymore children at all. I don't even want the ones I have. But, if I have to choose between twins and molar pregnancy as an explanation for the hormone jump, I'll take twins.

Do you like my new puppy? I suggested a "P" name since she's a poodle/pointer and Timothy wanted Piper and I was leaning toward Patsy. But, he wanted to change Wilson and I wouldn't let him (he wanted Fillmore--yuck), so I was going to let Timothy choose. Fortunately, he went with Patsy because he thought it went better with Wilson. When I mentioned Patsy Cline, the reason I liked the name, he gave me a dirty look. Okay, we didn't name her after one of the best singers of all times, Mr. Skater Dude.

But, her name is still Patsy and if I sing a few more Patsy songs in my head during the day because I hear the name--nobody needs to know about it but me.

Armstrong Family said...

Enjoying your posts! Keep 'em up! Miss you!

Kathy said...

Polly, I can feel the joy oozing from the photos! There are so many smiles, I can't help but smile back!