Monday, August 17, 2009

I let our 7th anniversary pass without comment. Shame on me. Shame, shame.
On our wedding day I had no idea how much Alma would make me laugh, or shake my head in disbelief. Living with him is always an adventure - you never quite know what is going to come out of his mouth.
I love how sweet and tender he is. He is surprises me all the time with his thoughtfullness. I wouldn't want to be on this journey with any one else. I love the life we are building together. I am proud of the love that we have nurtured and share with one another.
And is there anything more amazing than seeing the man you love with your children. I never imagined how amazing this would be. I just didn't have a clue.
Thank you Alma for 7 great years. Here is to an eternity together.



Becky said...

okay, so i was writing a big dinner table scene with alma as one of my characters - and he's doing his normal - "i hate this and i hate that" - but there comes a point where everything turns serious and he has to defend his wife - "you" - and i stopped and thought - i need polly to write down all of alma's sweet-nothings...i know he wouldn't want anyone getting their hands on those goods - but seriously, hook a girl up. seriously. i'm assuming as good as he is witty - he's that good at romantic (hello - painting watercolors of your homes - insanely romantic - oooooh - lightbulb - i'm so using that in a movie)...anyhoo - give it up - let me know - or just start quoting him on the blog and i'll start cutting and bb

Anonymous said...

so sweet love you guys so for now!!