Saturday, August 15, 2009

Well- today was a great lazy day. We went to the fair- ahhh Job's Daughters Corn Dogs. Then a lazy afternoon home. We watched a lot of movies. Now I am trying to clean the house a little so I don't have a heart attack when I get up in the morning. Over all a good day. But no camera for the fair trip- when I realized at the last minute that the batteries weren't charged both Coen and Alma cheered very loudly about the camera free trip. Humph!

Tomorrow is linger longer- and because I am sick and tired of there being no where near enough food I am bringing two entrees- get with it people! There wouldn't be such a swarmy feeding frenzy if everyone knew they would get some food- but as it is every month the poor saps at the back of the line end up with some scattered wilted lettuce, a little brown rice and what ever they can scrape off the edges of the casserole dishes- yes- every month I see some poor sap scraping off the edge of some lasagna pan for what ever crusted cheese and sauce they can add to the three leaves of lettuce on their plate. Sad, sad, sad. I may feel as strongly about this as I do immunizations.


Anonymous said... so sorry about your camera!!i didnt know coen disliked pics?!oh i feel bad for those sorts of people...anyway hope you had a good lazy day i did too...luv ya!!

Becky said...

well, kirtee commented. so i had to comment. do you need me to send you some freeze dried sheperd's pie? so sad. also, i tried a new s. pie recipe from rachel ray - amazing. let me know if you want it.

Armstrong Family said...

I remember those linger longers in my singles ward. Yep, the guys (ladies always first, he he) always had to scrape the pans. Then when my parents had them in their family ward they made the rule that those that brought food could be in line first. Those that didn't bring food should consider themselves blessed/lucky if there was any food left for them. Good times!

Andrea said...

I can't believe Becky shares recipes with you and NOT ME. I'm not sure I can be friends anymore. I'd tell her, but clearly she deserves the silent treatment. You tell her for me.

PS--I always feel bad because I go to potluck things, look everything over, and nine times out of ten, stick with what I brought. Clearly my food snobbiness is getting out-of-control.