Wednesday, September 9, 2009

House Clean
(not spotless- who are we joking it is never spotless- but it was very clean)
5 loads of laundry done
Dryer broken and fixed
Grocery shopping done
High hopes for the next day

I felt like I was on top of the world looking forward to music class

24 hours later
House looks like a tornado hit it
(and because you really don't know what that means- Coen emptied his fathers bucket of tennis balls practicing his serve in the living room- Beckett has emptied the shelf of American History books- a pillow pit in the family room- the remains of a train line sadly savaged by a vicious giant and this)
The kitchen floor is a whole other story- lasagna, crackers, two cupboards of dishes out, raisins, all mixed together in a nightmarish tableau
Just finished cleaning an insane amount of poop out of the bath tub and off of the baby who was recently covered in lasagna and now in poop
Baby has an unfortunate infection in his nether region
Very bad pain day- lots of Vicoden with very little relief
And that music class- Andrea and I exchanged disappointed looks when the very large- mean toddler walked in 5 minutes later. Can't say how upsetting this was- she has been known to corner babies a 1/4 of her size in the corner and hitting them- all while her grandma turns a blind eye- I have saved children from her countless times- and then as we were leaving class we found a good friend of ours was in the next class- Ugh. Why why did we sign up for the early class?
Coen is still knocking on the door to get my attention
Going to start another load of laundry- don't you love potty training?
And the hot water heater is out again- for like the tenth time this week.

So all night while Alma is playing basket ball (which I am actually very happy about) I keep humming that little song we used to sing as little girls.

Imagine me cloroxing the poop tub all the while humming
When I grow up I want to be a mother
and have a family
one little two little three little
babies of my own


Anonymous said...

wow...that is a very busy schedule...umm...glad uncle almas playing basketball!maybe i come visit you and i will keep your house and kids clean for you while-even if i have to force you-you pamper yourself with aromatherapy and stuff like ya!!

Megan Bruschke said...

Oh how I love it - it sounds all too familiar! I too remind myself some days that this is the job I always dreamed of having and longed to have! :-) You are an amazing mom, Polly! I am always impressed!

V said...

Ug. And sometimes I think being a student is rough...

Beckie said...

ok we use to sing that song too, and sometimes we would change the words

When I grow up I want to be a monster and have a family one little two little three little monsters of my own!

You painted a very good picture of your tornado torn home! I am so sorry it was a hard day.

oh and the music - you can find on line now and buy the MP3's I was so happy to find that they had all those songs available.

Erin said...

Thanks for sharing... this sounds like my world!!!