Monday, March 15, 2010

Clove Preschool

This fall when it was time to send Coen to preschool- I just couldn't do it. I couldn't wrap my mind around spending money to send him away from me. We were attending music class and story time at the library every week- and the group of mothers I hang with met fairly often to let the kids run around like monkeys. So I didn't do it. And I am glad I didn't.

But... He has started to need a little more structure. So we have started a preschool here at home. Mostly ideas from different blogs and websites and mixed together to meet Coen's and my interests. Beckett plays along to.

Next month with be science and nature oriented. This is mostly to meet Coen's ever growing demand to have the natural world explained to him (or to explain it to me). "Look Mom- the sun is shining down and the rain came down and now our flowers are growing!" Was his explanation when the daffodils started growing. So we are going to make a home for worms, and do nature walks, and grow some grass- let me know if you have any other ideas for us. We will also continue our many hours spent discussing the anatomy of the human body. I have some pretty detailed flask cards (for my use) that Coen loves to go through. "Mom what does an ovary do?" In fact yesterday I was explaining that we don't touch other peoples private areas- then I had to explain what private areas were- and he interjected "And your egg-maker is private too!" Yes Coen I rarely let others touch my ovaries.

Here is our learning board- I am needing to make it a little more sticky because the things fall off too easy.

Coen gets the concepts, and vocab, and numbers and Beckett is getting the letters. Coen isn't really into the letters. But we keep trying. I was pleased when I gave him a hand out that was a little too advanced and explained that the apples with big As should be red and the ones with little ones yellow. He isn't great at coloring- or following instructions so imagine my surprise when I came back and he had done it just perfectly! Every week we work and a different set of concepts and go to the library to get books related to the subject.
So far it is going great- but I need a ton of supplies. I am picturing a shoe holder hanging off the back of our hall closet door full of any supplies needed for projects we come up with so i don't have to keep going to the store every week. Sadly so far I have not seen one of those shoe thingys at the dollar store.


V said...

LOVE IT! I'm excited for nature month! What a great time to start exploring outside.

p.s. I think "run around like monkeys" is a very important part of cognitive development! ;)You are amazing.

Jackie Clove said...

I was looking for school ideas this morning and found this blog . . . I thought you might like to look at it. There are some cute ideas for spring. I like your preschool idea! Good luck with it!