Tuesday, April 5, 2011

General Conference

Have I ever told you that my favorite scripture is James 1:27 "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."

So this weekend I was especially touched by all the talks about charity, service, and the church welfare service. But the talk by H. David Burton was my favorite. It so perfectly discussed how our hearts should be charitable- and why we serve.

Then in the afternoon session Lynn Robbins gave the best talk I have ever heard on parenting. It perfectly outlined much of what I hope to achieve as Coen and Beckett's mother. I have a Sister-in-law who has raised such wonderful, intelligent, kind, and strong children. As I watched this talk I kept feeling like it was about the essence of Kathy's parenting that I so admire. The ability to keep your focus on what you want your children to be. And to then provide the learning opportunities and discipline in such away that helps them to be what is desired. Focusing on what your children are and can be and not on the daily minutia or current misbehavior. To discipline in such a manner that provides growth and does not demean or belittle their spirit.

I couldn't figure out how to embed the video here but linked to both talks and encourage you to take a moment to watch them, or even watch them again as they will uplift and encourage you on the day to day glories of our existence- raising good kind people, and serving all those we can with our energy and excess. (And don't we have so much excess- such rich blessings in our lives we can take our bounty for granted?)


Kathy said...

Polly, your words mean so much to me. I had such a bad day yesterday (not with the children, just with "me"), and your message today was like a balm to my soul. I watched the video of Lynn Robbins, and he conveyed some powerful things--in particular, I loved the point about a "to do" list versus a "to be" list, how we shouldn't confuse a failure in action with a character label, and how what we "do" is not what we "are". (I still haven't figured out a snappy little phrase for what I "do"--ha!) Anyway, thank you for this post. I really needed it.
With love,

Polly said...

Kathy- I love you. Those were the parts that really spoke to me. I am trying so hard to be aware of how I discipline the boys so that it is clear that they are valuable precious people who only make momentary mistakes. I loved the idea of the to be list- and really focusing on what you want yourself and children to be not on an list of arbitrary to dos.