Monday, April 18, 2011

I have had several things I have wanted to post- but I have been out of town or in bed coughing up a lung. I am pretty sure Becky gave it to me over the phone. That is how powerful her germs are. They are radioactive super-germs.

But before my lungs started trying to exit my body the sun came out. We had a brief glorious sunny day. And then it has been rainy and cloudy since. But I have hope it will be sunny again. Here are some shots from the sunny day. I so miss the big window at the front of the house in our old house. It used to let in the best light. This house has some good light too. I have been dying for light- this gloomy winter has been hard on me and my picture taking. But at least I got a brief chance for some decent shots.

Here are the fruits of my labors. Which mind you I was so excited I just grabbed the camera and started shooting- only to realize 2/3 of the way through I hadn't set the white balance- so had to adjust a lot- and haven't quite gotten what I wanted. But I am okay with them- for adjusted not natural light.





And here I actually set the white balance right. Good Mommy.
I love this photo.


And the sunny weather made us all a little crazy.



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