Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Beckett- Ad Man

Beckett is our observant kid. He always surprises me with his little observations. But last night both Alma and I were shocked by his knowledge of commercials. This was especially shocking since we are a DVR family and rarely watch anything live with commercials- like maybe 10% of the time and I don't allow the boys to watch TV with commercials. The exception to this is when we watch the news while I get dinner on the table. And maybe that was enough for Beckett.


Last night when he was watching the news with Alma he sang a jingle to the Nationwide Insurance commercial. A few hours later I was taking out the garbage and said "Oh shut when I noticed the bag had leaked and Beckett said "Mom you need Force Flex." It took me a little while to figure out what he was saying- how sad is that. My little TV junkie. Alma said he watched Beckett all night last night after his little song and he only watched the TV during the commercial breaks- and then would go back to his playing when the news came back on. Maybe a future ad executive? Hmmmmm.

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