Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lazy Days

I am having one of those days you dream about when you choose to become a lady of leisure. (I had my life so well planned out- but where I ask where is the leisure?) Those days that never seem to happen with out serious reprisal. I am doing nothing. NOTHING. It is heaven. It isn't that there is nothing to do I am choosing to actively ignore it and enjoy myself. My children have survived- barely. I let them take as long a bath as they wanted this morning so I could sit and read my book and in hopes the smell of syrup that has been hanging on Beckett all week would finally go away. Everyone who picks him up to kiss him then looks at me and says wow he really smells like syrup. And I keep washing him and try not to worry about the genetic disease that makes you urine smell like syrup aptly named maple syrup urine disease. I think we are safe as I am unaware of any Amish or Mennonite ancestry in our families, and it makes your urine smell not your face. And as I keep racing over the other symptoms in my head- Beckett has none of them unless I am a hopelessly delusional mother and Beckett is severely mental retarded and I just haven't noticed. I do bathe my children- this one just really smells. And thank goodness when I gave him a big cuddle and kiss at nap time he smelled of baby and no more maple syrup- apparently he needed an hour long bath.

Anyways- back to my lazy delightful day. Just lounging on the couch reading while the boys roll around each other or Coen pretends to rescue the prince. There is a prince in our house who is always in peril of some sort and Coen his savior- but the princesses do just fine. Princess mostly only dance in our house- they are bright enough not to get stuck behind the wood stove 8 times a day unlike the mental challenged princes. When I asked Coen if he wanted to go outside today he looked at me with his sad face and said the snow was broken. When I looked confused he pointed out the window to the sunny spring backyard and said "See snow all gone- It got broken." Some how he still managed to have little fun outside. While this is all going on I was still in my pajamas reading a book- which I just finished. I tell you a dream day. Here are my cute kids.

This is the best I could get out of Coen- Anyone with ideas on how to get a two year old to cooperate with picture taking. Kayli? Your kids always look cute.

I thought this made Beckett look debonair and rakish with the one raised eyebrow. Alma thought he looked like he had a lazy eye. On further inspection Alma may have a point. Maybe he does have MSUD.


Andrea said...

I giggled my head off. Rakish?? A one year old?? A few too many harlequins gone to your brain?? Hee hee. Timothy had to ask me what I was laughing at. You are hilarious.

I'm glad you enjoyed your day. Lovely, lovely.

Kayli said...

Hmmm. My tips on photographing children, especially two-year-olds:
Tell them in a sweet voice to sit and smile.
try to bribe them with anything that comes to mind to sit and smile.
Tell them in a loud, commanding voice to sit and smile.
Yell and growl at them and tell them if they don't sit and smile they'll be sorry.
Wonder why they are crying and not smiling.
Take 3,452 pictures all the while, and post the 2 that accidentally looked cute. :)