Tuesday, March 1, 2011


One day last week I was cleaning out the craft room I decided to stop shifting things around that have just been lurking in there so long. Instead if I touched it I finished it. So I got some simple little things finally finished.

I got these little Easter decorations done- I am thinking of hanging them on a budding branch.


I finished this skirt for Charlie- made out of 1/2 yd of fabric and an old tank top of mine. I got Coen to try it on for me.




And then I made these little things for some friends- hope the two of you getting them love them when they come in the mail.


I think that is pretty good for an afternoon of work.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

The skirt is especially adorable. You talented girl, you. As for the Canadian dilemma--we have no enemies and all of us are nice so I'm a little perplexed just who the bad guy could be. That's using imagination, anyway!