Thursday, August 4, 2011

Highs and Lows

Work- ugh. I know I am a big whiner but it is so much harder working three days a week- and it is usually because somebody is out of town and so the time at work is a little more hectic too.

Good left overs for lunch. MMM Thai peanut chicken salad. Yum. And then I took a nap on an exam table. I may have seen the first patients of the after noon with a Naugahyde impression on half of my face.

Ikea- always a little frustrating but I am hoping this is our last trip for the remodel!

Going to the 4-plex putting on the last 5 cabinet doors in record time- but also noticing NOTHING happened today with the contractor. And I have a tenant very anxious to move in! Grrr.

Came home and Alma had put together the tropical spicy honey chicken salad I had gotten ready the night before.

And the house was clean- our babysitter is a saint.

And the boys had made us vases for our anniversary- have I mentioned the saint who watches my kids?

And Alma had roses all over the kitchen.

Laundry done.

Husband kissed. (actually I was whining about how tired I was and listed off all the chores I still had to do and Alma nuzzled my neck and said something like he would help me by kissing me some more, not the help I has hinting for).

Beckett screamed "I HATE YOU MOMMY" over and over until he collapsed asleep. (I put him to bed in his room and not mine.

Beckett saying that his body doesn't tell him in time to pee pee on the toilet and then he spanked his crotch area saying "Bad Penis".

Beckett may be a little dramatic.

2 weeks until Coen starts kindergarten. I am a little sad- okay a lot sad.

Must go to bed- I think I have 15 or so physicals on the schedule tomorrow- all teenagers. Oh the joy of the sport physical rush the week before school starts. FYI if you are calling to get that physical you have had the form for all summer 5 days before you need to turn it in- you waited too long- every other procrastinating mother is calling too.


Time for me to sleep too.

1 comment:

Marika said...

Who is the new saint who has taken over my cleaning duties? And happy anniversary! love you.