Monday, February 23, 2009

A Collection of Funny Little Things

We have been reading Alma's copy of Are You my Mother with Coen and he loves it. The other day we were cooking and I asked Coen to hand me the eggs and he said "Here is a little baby bird for the pancakes." and every time I cracked an egg he would count the "little baby birds" I was using to make the pancakes yummy. A little disturbing.

The recipe I was making was from Gourmet- and it was a little odd. They were like pancakes but had a texture more like an omelet. I still can't decide if I liked them. I won't make them again though because they took soooooo long to cook. Coen loved them and ate more than a dozen. If I did make them again I would like them better with a citrus curd or a little zest in the batter and powdered sugar on top. I didn't think the syrup recommended quite worked.

Also- wondering what the best way to get Alma to help clean up the house? Invite people over for cake. This is also a great way to make a fruit dessert with out having to eat the entire thing by yourself. So I woke up early this morning to a clean house (except master which I got cleaned up while watching a show about red carpet fashions from last night). Joseph came over and hung out before school.

On Saturday when it was time for his nap Coen stood on his bed and chanted "No More Naps" for about half an hour. Thank you Little Bill.

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