You can't tell by looking at him but this sweet little baby is possessed by an evil spirit. This little guy had one of his screaming days. No naps longer than half an hour. Crying and crying unless mother is holding him. I am EXHAUSTED. (this may have something to do with me staying up late reading last night.)
Good thing he is so cute.
The next couple of pictures are of the outfit I told Becky I would post for her.
Carey Grant's cockney accent is awful.
Ah, he's been the sweetest boy this afternoon!
God made our children cute like that so we won't throttle them. I love it that you have a little Alma & a little Polly.
I am pretty sure that he is one of hte most beautiful little boys I have ever seen! He looks like he should be in a Victoria Magazine cover shoot - have you ever seen that magazine? He has the perfect look for it! Anyway, sorry that inside all that beauty is a little bit of the dark side - I have a couple of boys that fit that description too - oh, how they bring joy to my life and oh, how they try me too! :-) Parenthood!
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