Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentines Eve?

I can't say I particularly like Valentines day. It is great for childhood card making and candy getting. I love a good love fest where you are forced to give gifts to all your acquaintances in a public forum. What I can't really get behind is the grown up version. I just don't get the big deal. Why try to go out the one night of the year that it is crowded and difficult to get into a decent restaurant? Why give a box of candy? I don't ever want to eat more than one or two chocolates- give me a baked good or a pie any day over chocolate (Alma disagrees and would prefer the chocolate). Anyways- my point really is- shouldn't you be dating/wooing/romancing your spouse all year, why is this forced day so wonderful- it just feels, well forced. I can say all this because I married a wonderful wooer/romancer. He learned his amazing skills from watching his dad. Leonard just oozes love for Harvene. So a big thank you to my in-laws. I never knew some one could be so thoughtful and romantic all year round. Who needs Valentines? Not me.

That being said- I do love me some paper and crayon art. This is what I made with the boys for their valentines for cousins and grandparents (sorry if you didn't get these cuties- we have a lot of relatives and the boys burnt out at some point and I had to improvise.)

Also Coen made this great hat at the library in an impromptu craft session after story time. Have I ever mentioned how much I love our librarians. They are saints. They fetch books, cuddle babies, don't mind rambunctious toddlers, and they always have a collection of random toys hidden (Ceon loves the little plastic moose- have I ever mentioned that he has a moose fetish after our trip to the Grand Tetons- very funny). OH- what you can't see is scads of pink foil glued all over the back. Very snazzy.

And tonight I got some great pics of the snow. Still trying to figure out a better way to get the snow in moonlight affect better. Any real photographers out there with any help? The coloring is different because I edited them differently- which do you prefer?

The Valentines Day cards are ones my very unromantic Grandfather gave to my Grandmother

1 comment:

Durrett Family Band said...

It's always snowy in NC on Valentine's Day, or VD as we like to call it around here. We love you and your cute, little boys!