Monday, February 22, 2010


We went to Papa Ray's 70th birthday bash. It was a week long event so the boys and I spent the week on the beach and Alma joined us for the weekend. I didn't bring my battery charger so I didn't get many pictures. Also being the only parent at the beach with to fearless naked boys swinnig in the waves dosen't really make for great picture taking as you are constantly running in the water to fish out you r little daredevils. I did love seeing them on the beach and how much they love it. Susie kept trying to use this as leverage to get us to move closer to her.

I did get pictures of the boys at the playgraound at the big house. This was a frustrating activity for Beckett as this is a big kid play ground and he couldn't keep up with Beckett. But Coen was fearless, as usual. He has been climbing to the top of the 20 foot structure for a year now. But finally was brave enough to go down the giant slide. This is a play ground Ray had made out of all the neglected outlawed dangerous playgounds of our childhood. He then put all these bits on stilts and lifted them to SCARY hights. The boys love it.




We also went to Santa Cruz as a family, but I didn't get to see Zoe- which was sad.



Anonymous said...

cute pics...i dont find the playground THAT bad.

v said...

So fun! I love all the new pictures. What program do you use to put your pictures together like a collage?