Monday, February 22, 2010

So-- I Craft a Little Too

I have started knitting again after a long break due to my back pain. I started with a little project that went well (both pain wise and cutness wise) so I have started a bigger project (ming you none of my projects are big because I have the attention span of a knat and therefore only make things for little tiny children). No pictures yet, but soon.
I made some little bug valentines- but I will put pictures of them in the Valentines post.
I also made these paper flowers to decorate the bulliten board. I loved how they turned out, the colors and textures. Many hours into the project I realized it was a bit much for something no one will notice- but Coen and I had a blast making them.

I also made this Tis the Season sign for Christmas. I had all the stuff and had wanted to make it all Christmas season, but didn't get any time until Jan! I didn't get any great pictures, but you get the idea right? I am not sure I ever took pictures of all my Christmas crafts this year, or did I?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gourgeous!! i love the flowers and especially love the sign..
ps. i would totally notice them.