Monday, February 22, 2010

A Little Love For Beckett- our second, and therfore neglected child

So much has been going on with Beckett! He is talking up a storm, and has been making three and four word sentences, mostly only understood by his mom.

He loves this little cow and zebra, he calls them his moo moos (any black and white four legged animal is a cow). Here he is with his little buddies:

Beckett also likes to read, almost as much as he likes to eat. His very favorite book is a Spot book and at least 20 times a day I hear "Spot pees mama." Typically he points out all the food in the book, and claps when he sees the teats (treats). Here he is reading his favorite book with Dad:

He and his brother are playing really well together. They love to wrestle and laugh and are very goofy. They are together all the time and when Beckett goes down for nap Coen begs for him to get up. One day recently they were playing in the family room and when I wandered in the room Beckett wasn't there. I asked Coen where he was and he innocently denied any knowledge of Beckett's whereabouts. For five minutes I tore the house apart, shouting Beckett's name before I heard the little giggles coming from the toy chest. And there he was tucked away in a drawer. He spent several hours that afternoon hiding in the drawer and popping out again. He must have really been pleased with his evil genius at scaring his mom.

Beckett also feels very strongly about what he wears. Generally he will only wear a shirt with a collar and takes along time picking out his outfits. He loves his double breasted pea coat that no matter how hot he gets he won't take it off at church. While we were at Papa Ray's house last month he would pull at his shirt as soon as he saw Papa- so that Ray finally asked me "What is with this kid and his shirts?" How many fastidious 18 month olds do you know? He is equally fussy about his hands and clothes being clean and genuinely loves helping me clean up toys. I hope this quality hangs on a little longer. This is one of his favorite outfits:

He is making up for his fussy infancy with his sweet little smile and cuddely persona. He loves to talk on the phone, so if you need to hear the cutest little "uv you", "Yesssshhh" or "Bye bye" give us a call.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

such a cutie!! miss him!