Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Tour of our New House

Well I can't figure out how to cut and paste and I didn't know it would go backwards so this is all wack-a-doodle (holla out to M. T. and A. my sisterlicousness). But this is our living room. please try to ignore the toys and they are no longer there. We plan on hanging my tapestry above the couch and no idea what to put above the fireplace. This is our HT, family prayer and time out room. It is also the LIBRARY and Coen spends hours in his corner looking at his books.

Our amazing kitchen. This is what sold the house for me. I love it all. This makes it look smaller than it is.This is the family room from the kitchen. Notice our giant bed couch and the huge TV. We want to take out the wood stove, but are making sure we don't need it to heat this room first.
And here is the start of the tour--
Last night I started to do the tour, but decided I didn't like the pictures (taken in a rush right before choir practice). But today I don't want to bother with taking any more so here it is. This is the front of our house. There are 3 redwoods and a sycamore in the front so lots of shade. This is my spot to garden since I am not allowed to mess with the lawn in the back. I have a lot to learn about shade garden. At least all my hydrangeas will finally get a permanent home and they will love all the shade.
Our front door with the sad little hydrangea that was here already. Mine look much better.
Well I have tried to upload the rest of the pictures to no avail, so I will have to try and finish this tomorrow as it is late, and I am covered in breastmilk.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Hey Polly, your kitchen is amazing. I'm incredibly jealous. Me and my friend are teaching our own kids but we do special activities and field trips together. Don't be too impressed--it is only the third day of school and Miriam and I were already having issues. I forgot for an hour what works with her and tried to be too much the "teacher." Sigh. Tomorrow will be better.