Thursday, July 16, 2009

Coen is full of cuteness this week- and an obsession with boobs which he calls booboos. I don't know why. This morning he told me he wanted a little squeeze and then a big squeeze and then a little squeeze. He then pinched his nipples and told me look mom I have teeny tiny boo boos. He was then very disappointed to learn that he would never make milk but at the same time disgusted at the thought that he once drank my milk. "I not do that mommy, I never do that." said with complete revulsion dripping in his voice.


Megan Bruschke said...

:-) So made me laugh! I have a two year old who is currently quite interested in "booboos" too - he thinks that is where my baby is going to come from.

Anonymous said...

kk i am totes scrapbookin that even though i dont have a pic...if you have one give it give it!! ;D