Thursday, July 30, 2009


Coen had to point out the zit on my face the other day. "Mommy- you have owie." I asked him if he could make it better. He thought very carefully and then said "I not magic."

He also called Samson (Marika's current dog she is training) "a character, he a pickle."

And he too now refers to Grandma Conley as the little Grandma.

And a little about Beckett too so he won't feel like a neglected second child- he is walking more and more. His first real walk for mom (he has been walking for others for a few weeks, but refused to for his mom) was in the middle of a conniption fit and he stamped his way to me- screaming at the top of his lungs in crazy anger. But he is taking more and more steps. It is fun. He is also a little mommy crazy right now. Which is okay- but a little exhausting having this little guy following me around all day crying to be held. Is there any phase that isn't going to involve crying all day for this kid?

Also tonight in his prayers Coen thanked Heavenly Father for Dade (Dave), Charlie, and Aislyn. He is going to be upset when he realizes they went back to Texas today.


V said...

Sounds like good times. I'm glad you document all these funny (and some will be funny later!) things your kids say and do. We love reading about it. And hey, it might be good for blackmail when they are 16, right?

Durrett Family Band said...

We are missing you already! It was so nice to have some time to visit.

Anonymous said...

thats my boys!!