Friday, July 24, 2009

I may be getting a little addicted to wii fitness, Running with the Alma's wii mii ogling me, getting a little freaked out by TJ's freak creation ogling me, becoming obsessed with my center of gravity (apparently the keystone to all fitness- maybe a strange Japanese thing).

Also I have discovered I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut when it comes to vaccines. It is hard to do that when you have seen kids die of completely preventable diseases and I am supposed to be sympathetic to the mom with no education except for random web sites and Jenny McCarthy on Oprah! I think the problem is we take our good health for granted. No one remembers when children and babies dieing was a common occurrence. But let me remind you- babies died all the time- and they don't now. Why? Mostly because of vaccines. Read some pioneer journals written by mother's during a diphtheria outbreak, it is just heart breaking. But we take all this for granted, and assume that everyone else will get vaccinated to protect our children for us. Ugh. I need to stop. I wasn't planning on going off on this but I just feel so passionately. If only I could take you to the hospital room with me and have you see an innocent little child die of something so easily prevented.


V said...

Amen! I know I used to take my health for granted too.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!! thats so im like driven to become a doctor and save those innocent lives!!