Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Things That Suck Today

Tried to sleep in because I was up late doing a really bad job at finishing CEUs- but boys thought that I needed two little friends fighting over who could lay the closest to me.
No one showed up for the needle work group.

I brought some fliers to correct the mistakes made on the bulletin board, and after I hung them up realized I made the exact same mistake on the replacement flyer.

Boys able to trash Relief Society room in 10 min.

Running errands in the pouring rain/hail/sleet.

Getting home from said errands and realizing I forgot the library books due today.
Dropped 3 dozen eggs in driveway (why 3 dozen you ask- don't ask me- ask Coen-inhaler of hard boiled eggs).

At Payless the shoes are not cheap! but last time I tried to get them in Roseville with out the kids I got all the wrong sizes and Payless may be the only place in town with kids shoes under $60. And then the sales lady would not leave us alone- and kept showing Coen all the light up/glow in the dark/cartoon shoes after I asked her to not to three times. I am a little up tight about clothes for the boys- cartoon shoes don't fit into my aesthetic. I will never go back there.

Forgot I had signed up to feed missionaries- and made and appointment with the realtor this evening ( thank goodness of frozen casseroles- I just took a Shepard's pie to their apartment- but I really wanted that Shepard's pie- and maybe you shouldn't feed the missionaries food when one of the main ingredients is Irish Guinness.).

But Beckett is sleeping, roast is in the crock pot- and I am on my way to lay in bed and read!

Oh and here are some pics from the last week.

Coen and I spent one night up all night because he had tummy issues- which was then spread to the rest of the family.

The boys like to read- every single book on the shelf. Sometimes you let them do things like this just because they are being quiet.

Beckett has a unique sense of style.

We enjoyed our one brief day of warmth. Beckett doesn't like the camera.

He was trying to hide from the paparazzi.


Anonymous said...

wow! lots of stuff going on in your life! you do a great job though. love you so very much!!

Andrea said...

Why a realtor? Sorry about the eggs. And the replacement flyers. And everything else. ENJOY YOUR BOOK!!!

Durrett Family Band said...

So sorry. That's just too much at the same time. I think you need a hug from baby Laura. That usually helps my day seem better.