Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Highs and Lows of Motherhood

This has been an exhausting two days.

The Lows:

Coen goes nudy patootie after ruining 2 outfits in 1 hour (one by rubbing his entire body with my pressed powder foundation and then wetting it so it really smeared well, and the other time by pretending to be a dog and in the process pouring an entire bowl of beef stew down his front). I just couldn't change him one more time.

Beckett screamed a lot. Just ask any one who called me yesterday. I added it up and he screamed at the top of his lungs for over 7 hours yesterday. It is a miracle that he was not thrown out of the window, or his mother didn't go for a walk and not come home (it was considered). He didn't cry if he was driving in the car (unless it stopped at a cross walk), rolling in the stroller (unless Mom paused to look both ways before crossing the street, or trying to read the tombstones. {We walk in the really old cemetery across the street from our house}) or being bounced by Mom. I decided it was a combination of some severe separation anxiety, and constipation.

Beckett scooting himself under two rows of pillows and off his parents bed onto the hard wood floor. Of course they didn't notice for a while because it was in the middle of a 3 hour scream fest and his screaming didn't change at all during this process.

Both children figured out how to flip the power switch on our surge protector.

Coen took a bath with a full roll of toilett paper- kind of zen meditation straining it out of the water.

Taking a relaxing alone time bath only to have a 2 year old get naked and climb in with you.

Forgetting Sac. chapter NAPNAP meeting- this sadly is not the first time and I had RSVPed.

Running errands with Grandma.

The Highs

Coen and I made jello and grilled cheese. He is so fun to cook with.

Hot Choclate chip cookies.

While feeding Beckett at 4 am Coen kept calling "Mommy, I need you, Mommy" over and over. When i finally went in he said he needed his pacifier- I gave it to him, and he gave me the sweetest smile and said "Thank you Mommy, I love you.", rolled over and went to sleep. My heart melted.

Sleeping five hours. How sad this was a high.

Holiday crafting- I have lots of ideas and projects going, I can't wait to show all of you as the holiday's get closer.

Becketts smile

Hot baths- just time off all alone, in some steamy water, with a good book. Ahhhhhhhhhhh.

Sexy amamzing husband- letting me take the hot bath while he held the screaming infant and arranged the details of the temple cleaning trip. It wasn't even his job. That is soooo sexy.

Elders quarum meetings getting cancled!

Running Errands with grandma.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Polly, I know it is terrible but I'm glad you posted your lows. Hearing other people's lows always make mine shrink to a more manageable level. I am so jealous about the bath. I am too fat to enjoy hot baths--it hurts my back to be on my back. The things we do for our children that they will never fully appreciate.