Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Little Recap of our week

This was a crazy week- First our Halloween party, then Saturday we had a lot of people over for the BYU game, Sunday was Alma and David's birthday party. For the birthday all the Cloves and the Conleys came and ate dinner. Anna and David had recently won a essay contest about freedom. They both read their essays and we enjoyed the patriotic moment. The rest of the week was ups and downs with Alma's work- a late night on election day- and just a lot of stress in general. I am happy that Prop 8 won. I am afraid that the courts will over throw it anyways. I have also been annoyed with all the anti-Mormon news coverage- but sadly not surprised. It is funny to me that the church is getting so much press when the Catholic church and the Baptist were very involved in the campaign.

Wednesday- the day after the election the boys and I went to Great grandma's to visit. I asked this life long Democrat if she was happy that Obama was elected- She answered that she didn't vote for him. I asked why and she answered " He is just too young, McCain has lived more and sacrificed a lot for our country. At your age I know this doesn't seem important but when you are as old as me you know how important some experience is." I think at some point she also used the phrase "whipper-snapper". When I asked her how she felt about Obama winning she got a little smile on her face and said "I remember many historical elections, and you don't forget- ever. I remember my mother voting for the first time. I remember when I voted for a women who became a congresswoman, and now I can say I remember when the first African American president was elected. I am so proud of the changes made in my life time."
Grandma- I too am proud of the changes made in our country. I am proud of the peaceful election process, I am proud of my nieces and nephews, and younger siblings being taught patriotism, I am proud of this evolving country. I can never listen to Martin Luther King's I have dream speech with out crying- and Tuesday night I felt a little of that same hope and pride.

As a side note - at our book club on Thursday one of the elderly members of the club made a comment about how proud she was when she saw the younger generation and how they lacked the prejudice she was raised with. She noted that it was harder for her generation to overlook race. She also commented on the years she lived in the segregated south during her early married years.

And this picture just made me giggle- a lot.

Also this week- I had a disturbing conversation with a racist- can't go into details, but disturbing. Ask me about it when we talk on the phone.

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