Saturday, December 13, 2008

Here is a quick little update of our week.

Beckett and Coen got hair cuts. This was Beckett's first and I did it a lot sooner than I did Coen's and have been regretting it ever since. He just looks so grown up. He isn't a little baby anymore. I didn't get any pictures at the barber shop. I didn't want Uncle Dave or Jared to laugh at me. But here is my little baby right after the deed.

And here he is after a nap- I do like the funny little Mohawk look.

Then Andrea Green and I hosted a luncheon at my house for the sisters we visit teach. The turnout was a little disappointing. But my house looked great. Not to creative with the menu but it was good. I made ornaments for everyone as a hostess gift. Of course I don't have a good picture but they are in the centerpiece. I hung a bell from a ribbon in the center of a clear globe. I then wrote the lyrics to I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day by Walt Whitman, and put a bow on top. It turned out pretty cute.

This is Coen's buddy Kira (Amanda Ivey's daughter for those of you from NC- Linda and Wayne's granddaughter). She is the only other kid in Nursery this year with him. We sure will miss her in Jan. when she moves on to Primary. Sometime after this was taken Coen laid on top of her and bit her on the forehead, right between her eyes. Apparently she was pretending to sleep and he was trying to wake her up- he then proceeded to poop and get it all over himself- Kira came and got me. So the party ended with Coen in the shower and a scarred Kira. Sigh.

The other thing that has been fun this week is how much Coen and Beckett are playing together. Thank goodness Beckett is a tough little dude. Coen wrestles with him, and drags him around the house. So here are some pics of the buddies. Here Coen dragged Beckett in his chair to the counter and then tried to share and apple with him.
Here Coen has climbed into Becketts hoppy gym thing. Beckett doesn't like this. He always gets squished. But he likes how high Coen can bounce it.
Here they are playing around on Coen's bed. They both love to hide under blankets.
I have also gotten most of the decorating done. Here are some of my favorite bits. Of course Mr Opinionated thinks they are weird or ugly- but I disagree. Let me know if you agree with me. If you agree with Alma- just keep your nasty comments to yourself.

Andrea and I made these this week- cute I think. Mr Opinionated doesn't like the tree we used for and A.
This is the arrangement I put on the mantel in the living room. Mr O. thinks it is weird and wanted the stockings here, but they were to close to the fire, so I put them by the fireplace in the family room.

Upcoming soon (I hope)- Pictures of finished crafts- they are mostly all done. I just have to get the Christmas cards out. Ugh.

1 comment:

Megan Bruschke said...

For what's it's worth, I agree with you - and I have to add, what do men know about decorating anyway!?