Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This is Just Life

Too much to do on my Christmas to dos.
Very little sleep (like two or three hours).
Fussy kids.
Painful back.
Fussy Mom.
Worry, worry, worry.
And yet so overwhelmed with gratitude for our blessings. The gospel, two healthy boys, a loving a supportive family, and sparkeling snow.

So hopefully a nap, an evening with Alma at Victorian Christmas, and some cuddeling with my boys (and lets not pretend the Vicoden bottle isn't going to get hit) and hopefully tonight I will be pain free, calm, in love, and setteling in to bed at a decent hour.
PS- isn't the cover of the New Era just lovely?


Becky said...

Glad to find your blog. ADORABLE BOYS!! Quite the perfect fam.

Ahh Vicoden... how can you help but to have your day run smooth and enjoy the perfect evening??

So you asked about the pink pig, an Atlanta tradition for 50 years... It's a pink train that looks like a pig from tail to snout. The track sits under a large tent that is plastered with pink and pig decor EVERYWHERE! Luckily, the ride is short and you only have to listen to a whiny pig with a Southern accent for three minutes. It's terribly tacky - YOU WOULD LOVE IT!!!

Nicole said...
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Armstrong Family said...

Thanks for the info on Type 1 & 2 Diabetes. I also heard there's a possible Type #3 being research. Ay yi yi! I miss Nevada City terribly! I know Nate does too. I think we experienced some of the best times of our lives there--most likely due to amazing friends! How funny that is considering we had no family around....hmmmmm. We hope to come back again, maybe even live there again! Hey, need your address for belated Christmas cards.
I LOVE your Mii's, we'll have to take a pic of ours too. Take care!

Nicole said...

I'm so glad I found your blog - your kids are adorable! I was googling you to find your address to send you a Christmas card. It sounds like you are doing wonderfully. Can you e-mail me your address?
nikita1 at ekit dot com
Nicole McCulloch (Kowalick)