Never fear they are just visiting- we have not lifted our no pets policy in our house. These are Wendell's families little chicks- sadly past the cute chick stage and in the ugly creepy bird stage.
Coen is very worried about the little chicks. I keep finding him in the bathroom saying "Don't worry little chicks your mommy is coming soon. Don't worry your mommy loves you and will come and get you." He also asks me regularly where their mom is and when is she coming to get her babies. This is very sweet. When the little chicks stand on their feeders to look over the edge of their box Coen says "look mom they are trying to find their mommy."
This was a great day- we went to downtown to watch the book parade for the K-3rd graders. Joseph and Annie and Geneva participated. Across the street from us was a couple of sixth grade classes and between his cousins, Aunt Anna and their friends he knew half of the kids- so he got lots of hugs. And this year he realized it was for big kids and didn't join Joseph for the second half of the parade like he did last year. Marika joined us as well. Today was her senior picnic.
Joseph's class did the boring thing where the class all dressed up to fit with some book the teacher picked. I like it better when the kids pick their favorite book to dress up as.
While I was at work the boys went to the DePews (Amanda Ivie for those of you from here). This was very exciting as they have 24 chickens and 3 pigs and a strawberry patch. The whole way home I got to hear about Kyra's farm. It took a lot of bribing to get him to leave.
I still don't understand how Alma would even consider letting those smelly things into your house for the weekend, and Sarajane still is outside for the hour that she is there (in which she would only lay at my feet, hiding from him)...
That's okay though, we still love him. And you. Joseph's is in the barn. Hasn't once make it into the house.
Just an observation.
hee-hee-hee-hee-hee...ahhh...ugly chicks and is good.
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