Monday, October 13, 2008

Halloween Crafting

In my female DNA is something that turns on in the Fall and makes me a CRAZY woman. I have an intense need to craft. I over extend myself on a thousand little things no one cares about (really no one expects me to mail out twenty Halloween packages to cousins far away but here I am about to stay up super late to get them finished). Ahhh how the cool weather triggers the crazies (I admit I may be a little crazy the rest of the year as well.)

SOOOOO- here are some of the fall crafts I have been working on- Becky mostly gave me ideas- but the trick or treat banner is all mine. All of these were pretty cheap.

Coen helped me make the pumpkins for this one.

This is not a great picture but you get the idea.

Every year I give all my MI cousins Christmas ornaments- but this year I think I want to make them, but only if easy and cute (like they will still be cute in a decade not just a pile of trash). Any ideas? I will keep watching Tip Junkie- which is where I have gotten most of the ideas for my awesome Halloween party (let's hope somebody shows up!).

I also took some pictures of the boys today- they are so cute! But the lighting was all messed up. Oh well we will try again tomorrow. Coen actually thought it was kind of fun.

Oh I almost forgot this weekend was our fall girls day. My sisters and nieces that all live in Nevada City get together to craft, cook and watch a scary movie. It is getting harder as they get older but we still had fun. We watched Shadow of a Doubt which Becky recommended and it was a big hit. Scary in a not too scary way. I of course didn't take many pictures (too busy- so don't even call me to complain Becky). I did get some cute ones of the baby goat that the Conleys brought. Isn't he so cute!

Seems like I have had a busy weekend. This week is full to. Mostly trying to finish making my phone calls for prop 8- I put the sign up in my yard today. I will write more on this in the future. I am to tired now and there is a great big pile of stuff to address to our cousins.


Becky said...

I love it...nonchalantly mention the goat, post a few pics - and fail to TALK about the "clothes" the goat is wearing!!! By the way - that's the cutest goat I've ever seen. Too bad they grow up and get ugly and mean and chase babies. Love you - bb

The Clay's said...

that is a SUPER cute goat! and I get to see pictures of THREE of my cousins that are getting SO big!!! I love you and miss you all! Call when you get the chance so that we can catch up!

The Green's said...

Becky is entertaining. I can come and read her comments to you and be entertained.