Saturday, October 25, 2008

An Ode to High School Football

The lights-

The cheerleaders-

The Cowboy hamburgers-

The excitement-

The game-

There is just something magical about a high school football game. We show up during the beginning of the junior varsity game- get our hamburgers- sit in the visitors section (it is an anti-social Clove thing). Grandpa comes- Coen befriends a strange family- Wendell shows up with his boys at the beginning of the Varsity game. Coen stomps his feet- yells go team (a lot)- then he yells "cougars" and whatever the guy next to him is yelling. We chat with the strangers sitting next to us.

There is just something magical sitting with my boys- a warm fall night (or a chilly night with coco)- friends and family around us- cheering for the team. I look forward to many perfect football nights.

1 comment:

The Clay's said...

HAHA i loved the Anti Social Clove Comment. Its very very true. Grandpa doesnt like to sit where people in front of him can get in the way is my memory :) hope all is well with you guys!