Saturday, October 4, 2008

Our Fun Day- (Don't you all wish you were here)

Fall weather is here! It is raining and cool and the leaves are changing and I am loving it! Coen went outside this evening and climbed into the awful fountain on our patio and got soaking wet. He loved it- except for the wet shoes- he came in just to have me put on a new pair so he could go back out. He was soaking all over but just his shoes were bothering him. This plan obviously didn't fly with the mom type in our house. The only problem with the cooler weather is I still don't quite fit into my pre-Beckett pants and I don't really want to buy any for this transitional body (please, please let this be transitional!).

Today was General Conference. Holly, the kids and Grandma Conley came over. Grandma actually stayed for both sessions and dinner afterwards. To people with normal Grandmas this sounds not odd at all. But people who know my Grandma will see how I thought the world was tilting on its axis. Grandma Conley does not enjoy being in social situations and spends most of her time planning her exit. When we were kids she would sometimes sneak out when every one was distracted (like when we were opening Christmas presents). I have many memories of her sitting on the couch with her purse on her lap just waiting for the moment when she could make her break for it. I admit she is hindered in her escape now by her lack of drivers licence- but we did offer frequently to take her home. Grandma did wear one of her best outfits ever! First off she was wearing my favorite pair of shoes ever! She got these recently and wears them all the time. My favorite of her outfits is these shoes, black tights, gray jumpsuit sewn by Kay, black turtle neck and sparkly broach. I know it will be a good day at church when Grandma comes in wearing this ensemble. Today the shoes were paired with a casual look.
You can only kind of see her outfit. Do notice the purse clutched in her lap- it was the closing song of the morning session. She did let go of it for a little while but picked it up again and stand by the exit while I was finishing dinner. In case you can't tell she is wearing purple culottes and the old gray/green sweater with the daisy sweater clip. I got a close up of the leg wear.
After everyone left I decided it was nippy enough to light the fire (okay flip the switch) and sit in my living room with my book as I have been imagining since we moved. Here is my little corner. I know I know Becky I need to decorate- the mantel stuff is just sitting there until we decide what to do with this wall. Isn't that just a little piece of heaven. And it was just perfect for the first twenty minutes (thanks to bath time and a nap for my kids). Then Coen got out of the bath. Things were still nice- he acted like a little puppy (he has a puppy towel and we always act like a puppy after bath). Then he wanted to sit naked by me and suck on ice cubes and tell me how hot it was (mind you he is still naked). He must be Alma's kid because it wasn't that hot. Then after getting dressed I went to turn on his favorite song (Bare Naked Ladies- Popcorn) and he quickly came running after me saying HOT HOT HOT- so I asked if he touched the fire- yes- but his fingers looked fine, and then he turned and walked away and there were no pajamas on his bottom! He had put his little butt on the fire place and burnt through the pajamas, and some of the diaper but pulled away before he got hurt (Thank goodness for the diaper! I can't imagine his little bottom with melted fabric on it!) Here are the pajamas.

And here is the fireplace with stinky melted pajama on it- Any ideas on how to clean this?
In my defense- we had been sitting by the fire for a while discussing how it is hot. He had put his hands up to it a couple of times and walked away saying "too hot". Coen hates hot things and normally just saying something is hot is enough for him and he gives it a wide berth.
The only bad part of the day (other that Coen's near injury) was that Alma had to work. He came home for 1/2 hour at lunch but is still not home so it looks like it will be a 14 hour day- poor guy. He and the boys (Coen and Joseph) did watch football for the brief moment he was here. The boys sat right in front of the TV and cheered and clapped very loudly for both teams. Coen is really into football right now and most of the day was spent practicing field goal kicks with Joseph and passing the ball to grandma Conley and running around until he is tackled by the pretend defense and yelling touchdown. We don't quite have a grasp on the particulars of the game yet.

Well tomorrow is the Sabbath so Alma should be home all day. Oh I love General Conference, the lazy days just sitting in your pajamas in front of the TV- no meetings, no wrestling toddlers during Sacrament. Hot coco, cinnamon rolls and cuddling with my honey are the only things on my agenda for tomorrow!


Durrett Family Band said...

Yes, thank heavens for big cushy diapers. I burned my bare bum on our old fireplace at home when I was little. But, that's a story for another day.

Bridget said...

I love your blog! Your grandma is fantastic, as is the leg wear. I couldn't help but laugh looking at those pajamas, I'm so glad he's ok.

The Clay's said...

hey aunt polly!!! so now you can see all of our pictures im trying to get used to this blogging thing. I love that picture of the boys in front of the tv. Totally reminds me of alma! Love you all!